Starbuzz Exotic Blueberry

Starbuzz Exotic Blueberry

Starbuzz Exotic Blueberry
  • Flavor. It has a refreshing, sweet blueberry flavor. One may think it is the minty effect, but it’s not. There is a cooling effect, but you won’t get the feel of mint. Because it is not. It got a clean and cold flavor, which is much like icy water. Well, we promise you will be thoroughly enjoying both the sweetness of blueberries and the coolness together.
    • Buzz and Strength. It is prepared from the brown tobacco leaves grown on the Caribbean soil. It is meant to refresh you without being overwhelming.
    • Smoke. The smoke output is dependent on how you pack your hookah bowl. The denser you pack it, the thicker smoke clouds you will blow.
    • Longevity. Be confirmed of one thing; you will be enjoying a long session of hookah, where you will be blowing deliciously refreshing blueberry clouds. Just make sure you have blazing coconut coals to heat your hookah.

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